3 Advantages Of Working Out With An Elliptical Trainer
Home workouts using a treadmill are fast being overtaken by the advent and spreading use of the elliptical trainer machine such as the one in the following review video.
The elliptical brings distinct workout advantages and in most cases although considerable heavier, takes up not much more space when in use. In comparing the benefits of a treadmill and an elliptical trainer workout, the latter has three distinct advantages which we will now consider in detail:
1. Dual Action Motion
Having both backward and forward motion facility allows the elliptical to give a better overall workout, including better muscle toning and the burning of more calories for the same perceived effort. This is because the elliptical works more muscles in the legs than a treadmill in that it includes both hamstrings and quads.
Unlike the treadmill, the dual action available on the elliptical trainer allows a reverse motion that works more muscles in a way not otherwise possible. Walking backwards on a treadmill boggles the mind a bit and reverse peddling on an exercise bike won’t actually get you very far.
2. Low Impact Workout
A well designed elliptical machine will faithfully mimic the human body’s natural movement akin to walking, running or cycling and do it while the machine is stationary and fixed. In particular it allows your feet to move elliptically while seated (recumbent) or standing upright. It can do this in either forward or reverse motion. The feet remain on the pedals at all times, thus giving a ‘soft impact’ during each stride or rotation. This greatly lessens the impact stress on hips, knees, back and stomach.
The lower impact of these machines makes them ideal for youngsters, people just starting who may be a bit hesitant and in particular the older generation. The overall risk of some sort of sport’s injury is also lowered for people of any age group.
3. A better overall workout
Most elliptical trainers are equipped with movable upper body arm bars. Using these helps elevate heart rate more quickly and thus your body burns calories faster and more efficiently. In this way your perceived level of effort is less for the same calorific result, or in another way, it seems easier to go further and burn more with no more overall effort. The ultimate result can be that you don’t feel you have put in a full workout, yet you have actually burnt more calories than before!
The result of the trainer incorporating upper body arm workouts is to tone your arms, shoulders and back for better body definition.
You can see from the three above points that the elliptical trainer has advantages over other exercise equipment in that it offers all over workouts, more calories burning for less effort and it ‘soft impact’ design gives less risk of injury.
For reviews of the best elliptical trainers currently available in the market, visit this link.