Are Weslo Treadmills Any Good?

If you are looking for an excellent brand of low end treadmills, you are likely going to want to check out Weslo’s treadmill line. You will be able to find all kinds of value in this brand. In this article, we will be going over two of their most popular models; Cadence G 5.9i and the R 5.2.

1. Weslo Cadence g 5.9i

This particular treadmill is one of the more budget friendly options for someone looking for a low cost treadmill that can still be considered to be of good quality. This particular machine offers a lot more features that you would expect for it’s price.


a). 2.25 HP Impulse Motor

With this treadmill, you are going to be able to train at a desired speed with a motor that is able to handle just about any kind of workout that you want to implement into your routine from speed training, interval, or even endurance training.

b). iFit Bluetooth Smart Enabled

you like device connectivity it comes with iFit connectivity & Bluetooth. You will be able to listen to your choice of music while you run. It also comes with Google Map routes that will virtually take you anywhere in the world that you want to go running around. Not to mention, everything is going to be logged online which will allow you to track your progress over the months.

c.) 16″ x 50″ Tread Belt

This particular treadmill comes with a 16″ x 50″ tread belt which should be comfortable enough for people of average height. If you are over 6 feet tall you might feel a little cramped.

d.) 2 Position Adjustable Incline

You can increase the intensity of your workouts with the 2 position incline ramp. It is manual, but heck its better than not having it. The downside is you will have to set the ramp up before you start your jog.

e.) SpaceSaver Fold Away Design

This machine features the patented SpaceSaver design system which means that you are going to be able to put it away for storage very easily as it folds up, which reduces the size by approx 40%. You can then store it away in a cupboard or adjacent room.

Before we move onto the next treadmill it’s worth saying that this is a best selling machine on Amazon. The reviews are great and most people buy it because it costs so little. Not everyone wants to spend thousands on a running machine.

2. Weslo Cadence r 5.2

This particular model is another budget friendly option for those looking for a lot of value for their money. This treadmill is ideal for those looking to be able to get in a quick workout without all of the bells and whistles of being Bluetooth compatible and more.


1. 2.5 HP Impulse Max Motor

This treadmill also comes equipped with a sufficiently powerful motor that will allow you to consistently use the machine for jogging. Many people use it for fast running, although the motor is not really designed to be used at high speed.

2. 16″ x 50″ Tread Belt

This treadmill also comes with a 16″ x 50″ tread belt which again is sufficient for people of small to average height.

3. SpaceSaver Design

This one also offers a SpaceSaver design which allows for optimal storage of the unit.

4. Adjustable Incline (2 position)

This treadmill also offers a 2 position adjustable incline.

5. LCD Display

You will be able to track all of your data including your speed, distance, time, and the amount of calories that you have burned while you run with this display.

As you can see, both of these Weslo Treadmills have their similarities. Leading treadmill reviews sites like have commented on how familiar they are. Only a few slight tweaks separate them. It really all comes down to whether or not you want an iFit enabled and Bluetooth compatible treadmill or not. Thats what the G5.9i offers. The I obviously stands for interconnectivity. If you cant live without this then this is what you should go for.

You will pay an extra $150 for the privilege. You can get the adequately featured R 5.2 for around $300. Both options are some of the best budget friendly treadmills on the market in terms of value proposition.

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