Best And Effective Exercises To Burn Extra Chest Fat Among Men
A body in shape not just looks good, but also gives you a self confidence that helps you keep going in life. When youre fit, everybody wants to talk to you and people gets easily attracted towards your personality. But in case when you have an extra fat especially on chest that leaves it sagging, your entire persona appears to be different and seriously, it also affects your self esteem. Well, todays post is going to give you some information on the exercises that you can start doing and would be helpful for you to burn that extra sagging chest fat. But before that, we also need to know the causes of man boobs.
Man boobs may be caused by mainly two reasons such as extra chest fat or Gynecomastia, which is a medical name given to the condition and is triggered by decreased testosterone in mens body. The condition is also followed by several hormonal changes that cause it.
To get rid of saggy chest, you can opt for weight lifting and some cardio exercises to convert it into chest muscle. Here are the best workouts that you can do.
Bench Press
Bench press is an affective exercise for chest. It directly exerts pressure on our chest which is required if youre looking to lose that extra fat on your chest making it look saggy. When there is a pressure on your chest, the fat turns into muscles. If youre a beginner then start from two to three sets containing 10-12 reps each.
Pushups cannot be ignored when talking about the best muscle building exercises. To start with, lie down in a ground facing pushup posture, keeping your hands beneath the shoulders and legs straight. Now bend your body towards the ground while inhaling and return back to the initial position while exhaling by pushing your body up. Do 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions each.
Burpee is an effective exercise for the whole body. It is a good to go option to burn fat on your chest and belly. It could be a little difficult for the beginners as this is an intermediate level exercise, but once youre familiar with it, you can skip the other exercises and try this one to target multiple body areas. It also helps you increase your stamina.
Last but not the least on our list is the pull-ups exercise. Just like the Burpees, it also stretches your whole body and targets upper body muscles such as chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps. Pull-ups can also help someone to get rid of man boobs by broadening the back and turning your body to v-shaped.
Besides adding these important exercises to your workout routine, also ensure to get proper nutrition, stay hydrated and have proper rest. Exercising along with all these factors works really well on your body.