Do You Use A Cotton Or Microfiber Cloth To Wipe Down Gym Equipment?
Let me guess, you are the type of person that has no issues, ever, in convincing yourself to go to the gym? Its always a piece of cake? Excuse the pun. If you are a normal person and if you are honest then Im sure that you do have occasions where you dont feel like going to the gym. Say yes, its ok. You are only human. The problem is that its hard enough to get us into the gym and we now have to worry about wiping down equipment otherwise we risk opening ourselves up to a thousand colonies of superbugs and germs?
Wait what? I hear you say? Yes, I know, thats the last thing you needed to know. Now your gym attendance just got worse. Sorry. But at least you know now. But its not all bad news. If we follow some simple practices while in the gym, we can completely drop our chances of us coming into contact with any nasty germs.
First of all, yes, you need to wipe down all equipment before you use it. What you do not want to do is trust that the person before you did it because the chances that he or she did are very slim. A study was done on a bunch of gym goes and over 40% of males admitted to never ever whipping down a piece of equipment after using it. As for the ladies, 20% of them fessed up to never wiping down a cardio machine. So as you can see, you cant trust anyone.
To make matters worse, I doubt that someone is going to really clean it properly even if they do clean it. Thats why you should always clean the machine before you use it. The second point is to not use a cotton cloth. Thats a very bad idea. Cotton is not going to be able to remove any germs. All you will be doing is spreading them around. Rather use a microfiber cloth. Microfiber is used by hospitals because it can remove germs even without chemicals. Microfiber has little tiny hooks on the ends of the fibers which catch and hold onto germs. Its magic stuff.
If you have a home gym you can take advantage of a Dredge microfiber mop to get your floor super clean as well. Lastly, when wiping down the gym equipment before use, Im sure it goes without saying that you should use a disinfectant spray to ensure you are properly killing most of the germs.