Natural Oils And Remedies For Wrinkles

While we unfortunately cannot stop the passing of time and the aging of our bodies, we can go a long way to reducing the signs of aging in our skin, says Sheridan who offers cosmetic skin treatments in London.

Wrinkles are a sign of aging, but are also a sign of character, so dont worry about those laughter lines or extended smile lines; these can be good, but the unnecessary weathered, dry skin can be avoided. While too much sun can be detrimental to the skin and can even lead to cancer, we should not stay out of the sun altogether, because the vitamin D in the sun is actually very good for us. The best way to get the most from the sun is to lie in it only until we start to feel the burn, or skin starts to turn pink. That is the time to raise the sunshade or get out of the sun altogether. A little time each day is excellent; allowing the skin to absorb the health-giving nutrients but not the harmful burning.

When burning occurs, there are a few natural remedies that will help, without using harmful chemical products. Yoghurt is a great example of this; natural yoghurt smoothed onto the affected areas will cool and soothe immediately, as well as replacing the pH balance in the skin and aiding rapid healing. As soon as the yoghurt starts to warm, rinse of in tepid water and reapply as necessary.

Regular black tea is another natural aid to sunburn; the stronger the better. Make your tea in the usual way, but stronger, then soak a towel or other material in the tea and cover the sore areas. The tannins contained in tea help to draw the burning and aid healing. Used tea bags can be applied to smaller areas like eyelids or toes.
Add tea to a bath of water, not too hot, and soak yourself to ease all-over sunburn.

Natures greatest sun burn soother is of course aloe vera, which can be found in oil, gel or cream form, but make sure it is pure aloe vera and not just a cream containing it. Bad sunburn should be treated with a mix of pure aloe vera and vitamin E oil, along with cucumber for extra cooling.

Lavender essential oil is also good for sunburn; as a pain relief and to help prevent peeling, thus helping to prolong the tan.

You can mix your own natural sunburn lotion with the following:
2 oz distilled water
10 drops lavender oil
2 drops peppermint oil
1 of spearmint oil
Mix in a spray bottle, and spray lightly on affected areas.

Be careful not to use the wrong oils, as they will cause the skin to fry with the heat, i.e. lanolin, which is contained in many skin creams and lotions, is bad for sun burn.The sun is of course not the only cause of dry, wrinkly skin. The fast-paced life we live today takes its toll on our bodies and complexions. Drinking plenty of water is essential, and a healthy diet too. The diet should be rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as found in salmon and other fish.

Fresh fruit and juices should be consumed daily, but juice from fruits, not from a jar or carton, even if they claim to be freshly squeezed as they will not have the same vitamin content and usually have a lot of sugar.

The skin needs vitamins A, B2,3,6,12, C and E: Blackberries contain all of these, and blueberries, pomegranate and acai are especially good too.

Fruits like raspberry, black cherry, strawberry and apple are rich in antioxidants that prevent the damaging free radicals that harm the skin, and our health overall.

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